Monday, October 29, 2007

About NAASCon

NAASCon is an organization created by and for students of Asian American descent. NAASCon aims to serve as a forum for Asian American student activists from across the country to compile resources, coordinate campaigns, and build community around shared values of social and economic justice, human rights, and collective decision making.

NAAScon envisions a progressive Asian American student movement that works in solidarity with all oppressed communities to construct a just and equitable society in which human dignity is respected.

In order to achieve our vision, we aim to:
-to foster an understanding within the Asian American community of the interconnectedness of the struggles of oppressed people.
-to develop the leadership of Asian American students by providing them with tools and skills and effect change on their campuses and their communities.
-to build collective power amongst Asian American students in order to work toward social and economic justice for all peoples.
-to address inqualities and injustices within our diverse communities.

The 2007-2009 NAASCon board draws its representation from East Asian and Southeast Asian communities; by no means will this entail the exclusion of South Asian, West Asian, Pacific Islander, and mixed race communities and experiences from our board's work. Simultaneously, we recognize that Pacific Islanders may choose to identify as indigenous instead.

We acknowledge the intersectionality of the identities expressed by all members of our AA community, and we will fight for all oppressed peoples in order to advance our vision of a just and equitable society.

We consider "Asian American" to be term of empowerment and collective action; however, we recognize that it is a label that must be constantly reevaluated to support the needs of the ever-changing AA community. We hope to be progressive in our understanding of "AA", as the origins of this term are rooted in our past (and present) struggles to foster a sense of common identity and political self-determination. We will challenge the historical limitations of the term AA by embracing communities that have been historically marginalized or underrepresented in this umbrella, and we hope that you will join us in our efforts by engaging in this discussion, as well as give us important feedback on how we can achieve these goals.

NAASCon adopted the label "Asian American" because of its logic and purpose. The logic of personal investment in the term includes a shared history containing both positive experiences such as art, literature, culture, and struggles, as well as negative experiences of discrimination, hate crimes, prejudice, and endless anti-Asian legislation, actions, and stereotypes. The purpose of the label, which was born in struggle, is nothing less than the affirmation of our existence, a collective spirit that represents, both literally and figuratively, social and political power. However, unless we actively acknowledge the often-ignored ethnic groups, narratives and experiences contained under the label of "Asian American," such a label becomes problematic.

1 comment:

梁爵 said...

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